this adorable cutie had her first dance recital to cinderalla. she was an adorable little fairy- and the only fairy with the cutest purple cast around!
the pros: she got to wear a little makeup for the first time.
gets to keep this super cute tutu to be played with- well forever
she had a great time and loved to perform.
the downside- the school we were going to have it at had tornado damage so we had it at a spot without a stage. so we didn't actually see any of camirons dance. i thankfully got to see her at the dress rehersal, but without a stage you just can't see over any other people. so there is no video footage- and we didn't really get to see her perform. bummer! rumor has it she was cute :) and without a stage, there was no curtain- and the kids just sat on the side of the room until it was their turn. so strange.
her two best ballet friends halle and kiera.
waiting to go on.
her little tap number