We loved being able to spend time with the family...
here are a few shots of Braden and Coleman playing together, Grandpa Steve and Camers, and The whole family (well except McKensie).
A day up Millcreek Canyon with Nana and Papa. The weather was just amazing while we were there. Living somewhere that doesn't have fall..... Well we loved every second of the fall weather. We could just smell it in the air! It was beautiful!
A day at doughnut falls with Brandon, Tiffany and Grandma Pam. I have always realized that Braden has a lot of energy, but it was pretty funny to see Carson and Coleman catch a ride on their parents shoulders for the trip down, while Braden ran, ran, ran and lapped us a few times over. I love to see the cousins play together, they play like brothers, fight like brothers, and always have fun.
Braden and i met up with Shannon, Emily and Kids to check out the witches at Garner Village. Braden loved the candy store, the witches, and the hay. He hated the shopping, so we didn't last long. But it was great to see friends :)
I love to hit the utah zoo when we are in town, it is one of our favorite zoo's. the one in hawaii is pretty junk, so our kids love to go wild there. Both Grandma's joined us at the zoo and we had a great time.
The last time we were in town we wanted to get cousin pictures taken. It never happened and now we kick ourselves because we don't have one with McKensie. So this time we made it happen! After cousin pictures, we headed out to dinner and then to the bounce house. Everyone just went crazy at the bounce house and had a great time.
It has been years since I have been on the snowbird tram. We caught the tram with nana and papa. The kids were freezing at the top and spent most of the time in the warming hut, but the view was amazing. Braden wanted to ride the tram up and down all day. he was bummed we only got one ride. The kids never get hot chocolate here and so it was a special treat that we all loved.
Nana and Braden picked out some pumkins at farmers market. The kids had a great time carving them with nana and papa, especially since we never got around to carving ours!
and what is a trip to utah without a trip to wheeler farm. The weather was just gorgeous and we had a great time. It we lived there, i think we would go every week. The kids love it, and it is free! love that place
Enjoying the fall leaves... and some time in the hot tub!
** Somehow I managed to take pictures at every family function, but never with our friends. So I wanted to thank ally and wes for meeting up with us, shopping with Megs, Emily and Eric hosting a get together, Jennyanne and Adam hosting a get together, all the bros for many lunches and late night game playing, duck hunting... and so many others. Thanks for playing with us on such short notice. We love all of you ***