I wonder what the magic 8 ball would have said had we rolled it when we got married 8 years ago?! 
Highs and Lows of the past 8 years together
high- we have done it all together
low and high- medical school. do i need to say more?
high- the friends we have made
low- the friends and family left behind as we move
high- two amazing kids
high - living in DC (and plenty of visitors) then in Hawaii (with even more visitors)
high and low- residency again, do i need to say more?!
high- finishing graduate school and medical school
low- those few $ in student loans we have racked up
high- being married in the temple, and the amazing wards we have lived in.
low- our first apt together that was just plain disgusting!
high- i can see the ocean from my window right now.
and the just plain crazy: Sept 11 after just moving to DC (and working in the capital), The DC sniper, made it through a hurricane in DC, an earthquake in Hawaii- oh and don't forget that hurricane currently headed toward us!
Although we are still waiting for an "easy " year- I would do it all again with you by my side!! Love you koch