Thursday, August 20, 2009

where the trouble began

This face.  it seems so innocent.   its not.

This binkie is where the problems began.  

We traded this binkie for a really cute cabbage patch doll.

The trade went.  well it was a little rough.  I may have
had to drag her from the store.  but that is now in the past. 

But without the binkie- she has become a terror.  
all spice- no sugar.  

The trade in of the binkie led to the trade in of the crib.
The take down of the bunkbeds.  
We thought that she wanted to sleep in her bed....
but no- she wants US to sleep in her bed with her.

The bunkbeds have led to lots of middle of the night tantrums. 
which has led to little sleep for everyone.... 

which has led to this:

whose bed is this?  My bed.  
I miss my bed


Jeremy 'n Brandy said...

Oh that is just hilarious! I am loving this post. I am totally picturing you and Troy in the little beds. Is that where you guys sleep or do you squish with those two? If Ava ends up in our bed then I move to hers. I can NOT sleep with her because she is all over the place. At least you can get rid of the binki...I still have 2 thumb suckers (luckily ava only does it at night). Good luck in getting some sleep!

Molly Koch said...

Mols, Dad and I laughed out loud when we got to the end! Such innocence.... I'm still laughing. What will they think of this when they are 16 and 14? You should've been a poet! I love you so. mom


OH...reading this I was laughing and crying all at once. Were these the challenges you ever imagined for your little family? smile... Hang in there - it does get better...eventually!

Meagan said...

Oh I hear ya...we gave up our bed about three years ago. Hang in there, they are only little once:-)

Hendry Happenings said...

Thanks for the great laugh. I keep reminding myself that someday I will only have Travis in my bed and I will miss these days. Not sure if that will really ever happen, but it keeps me going!

Elizabeth Baldwin said...

Love it! I'm wondering how Ethan is going to handle switching to his "big boy" bed next month. (In preparation for baby sister coming.) He took giving up the paci pretty well, and he has successfully traded diapers for a new Thomas the Tank Engine train station, but he's already told me "no big boy bed" and has since started climbing out of his bed and into mine every night. I empathize with the loss of your bed!