Sunday, October 24, 2010

for those who didn't know

The same day Braden had his tooth surgery- I headed in for the big ultrasound
And Koch Baby Number 3 is going to be another sweet bundle of snugglie girl. 
We can't wait. The kids are so excited.  now if only she would get here tomorrow.... 
Feb. 27th is miles away


Brooke Romney said...

No WAy! So awesome. We are thinking of heading down to South Carolina to see my sister over Christmas...maybe you guys will be on the way? We'd love to see you!

JDM said...

Congratulations! What exciting news you guys!

Natali Thompson said...

SOOO exciting! Have her on the 24th and we can share a birthday!!! It will fly by with the holiday's right???

McAffee said...

Yay! So happy for you guys.

Karla Christiansen said...

Congrats!!! I'm sure she will be beautiful!