Saturday, June 14, 2008

so glad it is june

I want to thank all of you for your kind phone calls and thoughts regarding our break in.... and i thought i would sadly let all of you know that were worried about us not having an alarm system..... do not worry in that area- we have one. always did. it isn't hooked up to the windows b/c it is really expensive to alarm the slat windows that they have here. so our doors have alarms- and we have motions sensors. I never turn on the motions b/c i have to close every slat window in my house or the wind blows the curtains and sets off the motions sensors. Lesson learned. It now takes an extra 10-15 min to get myself out of the house and the house is soooo hot when i get back. (we don't have air conditioning, only windows. so we leave them open all the time for the breeze). miserable! so frustrating. and on a scary note. after my last post i realized that the person who broke in stole our key chain to our alarm. I kept it by my bed- it turned the alarm off and on with a button and called the police directly. so the robber had full access to our alarm. It is now fixed and no longer on our system- but scary!!

on another note- who would want to steal from this guy?:
When we got back from utah- troy started mustache may a little early. all of his co-workers were growing mustaches to support the 4th years that were going to take the boards. Troy of course was sooo excited to join in- and support mustache may at the same time. thankfully he only did it for a month- so he ended his mustache may a little early. good thing i love him- because really, this is pretty ugly!


Ally said...


I always thought you had a porn name and now I find out you are actually a pornographer. I knew it!


~ Joy ~ said...

I have an idea. Just have that guy stand at your door 24/7.
Alarm problem solved. ;-)

When Clesson let's his growth get too long I tell him he's looking old and fat. And then once he shaves I'm like, "Oh, you look so much younger. - and - Have you lost weight you handsome man?" lol!

Shannon said...

If I saw those pictures randomly, I would have no idea that was Troy. Glad mustache May is over!! Is this an army tradition because my friend's husband who is a dentist for the army right now grew a mustache in March but then had to keep it an extra month because he lost a contest. It was filthy!

Natali Thompson said...

That is funny. What is with guys and the "stache"? So great. I agree, it is always nice to have them shave it off.

On the Bachelorette, I agree with what you wrote. I liked Sean but it was a little strange how high maintenance he seemed. Who has a tanning bed in their house?? A little strange. I still want her to choose Jason!

Karla Christiansen said...

I saw the mustache pic and had to laugh, Justin has some ugly pics of mustache attempts from flight school

brooke romney said...

Tell Troy it is absolely NOT okay to look like that. He's in for one serious drought I'll bet. Hope those 4th years are worth it.

Jessica said...

Molly, I just read about the break in. What a horribly awful experience. thank goodness you and your family were not there at the time.
Be safe.
Love, Jess

Liz Adams said...

I love the stache! Hey - where are you living these days? I couldn't find it on your blog! Happy Belated 30th!!!

The Welling Family -- said...

I, seriously, no joke, was so confused why you were talking about Troy and then posted some 40 year old man on your post. And, so sorry to hear about the break in. I had my car broken into twice and had my emergency bag stolen the first time and my dance bag the second. I don't know if you remember. I felt very invaded, so I can totally understand if you feel creeped out at nights. Especially, in your bedroom. Ahhhh

Admin said...

Are you kidding me? He looks fabulous. I have an umblemished history of heterosexuality but I would go as far as saying Troy is flat out sexy!

Mueller Ohana said...

Karl got a kick out of that one!! I'm constantly asking karl to trim down his beard..I'm married to a freaking mountain man.

klm said...