Wednesday, December 23, 2009


It isn't often I vent on my blog. but this is an exception to the rule.
I sent a gift to my aunt in a manilla envelope.  It was delivered to her (the manilla envelope that is) with nothing inside and a stamp that read  "delivered without contents".
So i called the post office and filed a "complaint".
I was told someone would get back to me.  Today I was lucky enough to get that phone call....

Post Office Really Sweet, Total Idiot Girl:  "I got a message that you had a gift delivered without anything inside".
Me: "Yes, have you heard anything on it?"
PO "Well, I think there is somewhere, like a building on the mainland where they send those kind of things.  I think.  I'm not sure where it is on the mainland.  But I think they send things there.  I really don't know how to find out about it though. Or really how to track things there.  I could ask my manager for you though if that would help".

(Are you kidding me!!!)

Me:  "So you have no idea how to find the contents of the envelope"
PO "No I think it is somewhere on the mainland though.  Did you get insurance on it?"
Me "No, I didn't have anything breakable in it, it was a gift card, so I didn't think I needed the insurance"
PO "oh, well then other than trying to find it at that building, there isn't really anything we can do without insurance.  maybe they will be able to find your things".
Me "so without the insurance I don't get anything back.  I just paid you to deliver a now empty envelope"
PO " yea, sorry. that is what the insurance is for to cover what is in your package"
Me "well I didn't think when I paid to have it delivered I was only having the envelope delivered".
PO.  "um, well did you want me to ask my supervisor on where things go and get back to you."
Me "yes"-  and pretty much hung up on her I had a feeling we weren't going to get anywhere on our conversation.

I think I just got dumber.  And I am out a present.  But I have a feeling somewhere in some building on the mainland someone is living it up with my aunts gift.  And my lucky aunt got a stamp from hawaii.

And I just want to point out:  If I were to buy a shirt in a store- would they ever just hand me a sleeve and say- hmm I am not sure what happened to the rest of the shirt. Did you get extra insurance on the other sleeve?  oh you didn't?   bummer.


JDM said...

Boo post office.
I'm sorry that happened to you. I hate those moments when you realize that they aren't going to help you and they don't really even care enough to act sorry about the fact that you've been wronged.

jami v. said...

molly, this is jami (mandy saunders sis). i found you through her blog and came to see what you were up to. your family is beautiful, hawaii is beautiful and i'm sorry about your postal nightmare! :) hope you had the happiest of holidays - mia giftcard aside. thanks for letting me come "drop by" and see what's been going on.

Hendry Happenings said...

After visiting Hawaii last year and waiting six days for our luggage, I can see your frustration. That stinks!