Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ice, ice, ice = no school

Just after Braden headed back to school from Christmas break, we had another snow storm.
It is different on the East Coast when it snows... the world stops- unless you are a doctor.
So the first day it snowed about 4 inches, so everything was cancelled, the next day it rained and turned 
everything to ice and everything was cancelled.  on day three- it was cancelled, just because.
The ice really was amazing, our back yard looked like a big ice rink and the kids had as much 
fun playing in it as they did playing in the snow.  
The biggest bummer- me- at 8 months pregnant I was not up for the three of us being trapped at home for 5 days while troy still had to work. It was one rough week that is for sure.  But very beautiful. 

1 comment:

Sara said...

Whoa! That is so crazy!! How on earth did you guys keep warm??? : ) I've never seen anything like that! It IS very beautiful!