Thursday, December 8, 2011

i have learned my lesson.  I won't try and take pictures of all 3 on my own.
I attempted to get some cute fall shots.  Attempt being the key word.
It didn't go so well. i was sweating, the kids were mad.  There are a lot of 
outtakes involved. 
Braden apparently doesn't know how to smile anymore?  I didn't realize it is a
skill that you lose. When I ask him to smile, he said he doesn't know how.  
I hope to find it on the side of the road sometime and reapply it to him! 
E was all but impossible. She wanted to crawl out of every shot, or look at the
ground to find a leaf or pine needle to eat.  I promise you they aren't tasty E.  Pine needles
poke.  Quit eating them, look at me I am funny.  
this is it. the best i got.  hmmm.  next time troy is so getting cornered into helping. 

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